Inspiration: MARLEY COFFEE

Oh, Marley Coffee how I love thee! Thank you so much for your organic blends. It feels good to know that when I sip you I'm choosing to treat my body lovingly. I sincerely appreciate your commitment to being sustainably grown, ethically farmed and artisan brewed. Those things let me know I am helping to make the world a better place by being a conscious consumer. It also thrills me that those processes happen in places like Jamaica, Ethiopia and South America in communities where help is needed. I'm so happy to be involved in that cycle of building. Thank you, especially, for helping the world's youths by donating a portion of your profits to social initiatives like,, and the WaterWise Coffee Project. It's also awesome that your gourmet AND affordable. And, last but certainly not least, THANK YOU for tasting so ridiculously good!

All Marley Coffee products live up to the Rastafari standards of ITAL, standing for all things Pure, True and Vital. We believe that pure food from the earth is physically and spiritually beneficial. The ITAL seal is how we denote our commitment to these principles. ---

Marley Coffee founder, Rohan Marley (son of the late, great Bob Marley himself) talks to us about giving back, social entrepreneurship and what we can look forward to from Marley Coffee in the near future. 

What has been Marley Coffee's proudest philanthropic give back​ to date, and what made it most worthwhile?

Rohan Marley: We are committed to giving back at Marley Coffee. To date, helping to rebuild Chepstowe Basic School, which is just down the road from the Marley Coffee Farm in Jamaica has been so rewarding, many of our farmers children attend this school. With the help of many partners we were able to write a check that went directly to the school and we build a computer lab, a soccer field, new playground, and much needed repairs to the school. A big part of why I originally purchase the coffee farm in Jamaica was to give back and support the local community; the school was the next evolution.

Now, I'm also excited to act as chairman to the WaterWise Coffee Project which will help provide support to regions in Ethiopia where we also source premium quality beans for Marley Coffee. When you purchase Marley Coffee, you're helping provide .01 cent for every single serve capsule sold to clean rivers which have been directly impacted by coffee production. This project will help provide clean water to people starting in the Sidamo region and I can't wait to see the lasting impact this initiative will have.

What tips would you give anyone wanting to embark on their own socially & environmentally conscious entrepreneurial journey?

Rohan Marley: Partner with the right people. Hold yourself to the highest standards. And remember your roots. Everything we do at Marley Coffee is grounded in our roots, which means growing the best sustainable, ethically farmed coffee in the world, and partnering with the right people to spread the message.

What's on the horizons for Marley Coffee? 

Rohan Marley: I'm excited to launch EcoCup in 2015, one of the first easy to use recyclable single serve capsules, that will help revolutionize the market by reducing a lot of waste. Over 10 billion single serve capsules are consumed in North America alone annually, and we want to part of the change, reducing the impact with EcoCup. All single serve Marley Coffee capsules will be recyclable by Summer 2015, years ahead of others in the category.

I'm really looking forward to my trip to Ethiopia in November to check on the WaterWise Coffee Project and to celebrating our growth here in the USA including a new test in a select number of Target stores (Northern and Southern California). We are also growing internally, most recently we were added to the menu in 70 Subway locations in Chile on top of the great distribution we already have throughout Chile. The UK and France are also growing markets for us, and in September we opened our first coffeehouse in Korea, with more to follow. I continue to feel blessed by our success and joy in helping others while sharing some the best coffee in the world.

Visit to get more information on Marley Coffee and to find stores and online outlets where Marley Coffee can be purchased. 

Photos courtesy of Marley Coffee. 

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