Rockstar Founding Father of Clean Eating - Dr. Junger

Dr. Alejandro Junger - author & founding father of the clean eating movement (in my estimation at least!)

You may not know who Dr. Alejandro Junger is, but I'm sure you've heard the term "clean eating". 

In my humble opinion, Dr. Junger is the forefather of that concept... Maybe that's a bit of a far-fetched proclamation, but I swear it's true! Over a decade ago, years before eating "clean" became a thing, I met Dr. Junger in Jamaica at a yoga festival he was booked to speak at. (BTW, he's a little rockstar-esque in persona too... Very cool guy. No ordinary doctor around here!) At that time, no one was really talking about clean eating and Dr. Junger had just published his first book, CLEAN. Today, clean food and clean eating are big things E V E R Y W H E R E. Plus, Dr. Junger blew up big too - he's written several best-selling CLEAN books since, and is followed by many normal folks like myself, as well as a ton of celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow who swear by his work. 

So, of course, it's massively exciting to get to talk to the founding force behind today's popular ideas about nutrition and detox. Here's what Dr. Junger told us...

"As I write this, I am finishing the amazing three-week long clean detox program. I can report that it worked wonders."
Gwyneth Paltrow (Actress & goop Founder)

What are 3 reasons why we all need to do the Clean Program or incorporate some form of detox program into our lives?

1) We are bombarded with toxic chemicals. The air we breathe, the water we drink and shower with, the cosmetics we use, the products in our household, but mostly the foods we eat, are all loaded with chemicals that alone, or in combination, cause disease.

2) Our modern lifestyle is un-natural. We are eating and digesting all day( and all night) long. This slows down our detox ability. A detox program gives the digestive system a rest and allows the body to re-direct the saved energies into detoxification. 

3) A detox program is a great way to break bad habits and form good ones.

Did you ever imagine Clean would turn into the enormous success it has become, and what is one thing you've done that you think has led to your success?

In my wildest dreams I could not have imagined the wide reach that the program has worldwide. I think one of the main reasons for that is that I surrounded myself with an amazing team of people that are as passionate and committed to helping others feel better.

What advice would you give someone about to embark on their own journey to conscious entrepreneurship?

When you find the right people to work with, give them your trust and let them shine at what they are good at. And most of all, focus on what you are good at and enjoy doing.

What has been your greatest obstacle along the Clean journey, and how did you overcome it?

For years I was looked at as someone who was wasting his time. My peers and family were urging me to stop looking for other things. To put on my suit and go to work at a hospital. Most of my colleagues were making good money in their practices while I was working at a detox spa making a small fraction of their income. I did not know if I was ever going to earn a good living at that time, and many times I felt like quitting my search and doing what everyone else was doing. But I was too curious to stop and too disgusted with the medical system to go back. So I kept on going. After a long time things started turning around. Now, many of those who rolled their eyes come asking for advice on how to get out of the system they feel trapped in while their souls are slowly dying.

With all the clean eating trends happening, is the world doing clean eating right, or are there elements of clean eating we are still missing?

The good news is that we are all getting smarter, and there are many people who are inspiring and teaching others to find what works for them. I am optimistic that we can turn things around. There is still a lot of work to be done though, because there are strong economic interests to keep the status quo.

To find out more about Dr. Junger or purchase one of his book, visit

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